

All raw materials used in a lubricant blending plant to manufacture finished lubricants need to be tested before they are used, as part of the processes of quality control and quality assurance.
CCIC Singapore offers a wide range of base oil & new lubricant oil measuring solutions to help you optimize your processes and meet finished product QC. Our personnel are both experienced and well-trained. You can be sure to have full control over your production processes, to have the right blend for your customers’ applications, to meet the required specifications, and to manufacture on time. We do provide 24/7 sample collection island wide.

Refer to the table shown below for the list of tests required for Base Oil and Lubricants.

Acid NumberASTM D664, D974
Air ReleaseASTM D3427
Aniline PointASTM D611
Apparent Viscosity @150 °C (HTHS)ASTM D4683, D6616, CEC L-36-A90
Apparent Viscosity and Yield Stress by MRV (MRV)ASTM D4684
Apparent Viscosity by Cold-Cranking Simulator (CCS)ASTM D5293
Boiling Point Distribution (Simulated)ASTM D2887
Boiling Point Distribution (Vacuum)ASTM D1160
ColourASTM D1500, D6045
Copper Strip CorrosionASTM D130
DensityASTM D1298, D4052
Demulsibilty / Water SeparabilityASTM D1401
Evaporation Loss by the Noack MethodASTM D5800(Proc B)
Flash Point, COC & PMCCASTM D92, D93
Foaming Characteristics (Seq I, II, III)ASTM D892
Foaming Characteristics, High temperature @150°CASTM D6082
Kinematic ViscosityASTM D445
Viscosity IndexASTM D2270
Low-Temperature Viscosity by Rotational Viscometer (Brookfield)ASTM D2983
Metals AnalysisASTM D5185
Micro Carbon ResidueASTM D4530
Nitrogen contentASTM D5762, D5291
Oxidation Characteristics of Inhibited Mineral OilsASTM D943
Oxidation Stability by Rotating Pressure Vessel (RPVOT)ASTM D2272
Particle CountASTM D7596, D8120
Pour PointASTM D97
Refractive IndexASTM D1218
Rust PreventionASTM D665
Saturates, AromaticsASTM D2007, D7419
Sulphated AshASTM D874
Total SulfurASTM D4294
Water contentASTM D6304

API Base Oil Categories

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